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Day 15 - Re-provisioning in PR and Excited to welcome aboard our Much Better Halves

Perfect Pitch Adventurers 2023

We had a smooth, but blustery run up through Arthur Passage to Prince Rupert. PR is the deepest natural port in North America and the largest port city between Vancouver and Juneau. Our day started with Captain Wiel asking First Mate Dave (FMD) if he'd like to pilot us out of Baker Inlet through Watts Narrows - a 40-ish yard wide, blind, double S-turn passage, with limited visibility and the potential for strong currents. You announce your way in on Channel 16 for the world to hear, just in case there is someone coming in from the other direction - it's a one-way passage. What a rush - to steer Perfect Pitch through very tough waters, without incident, followed by another chance to dock us in PR. No damage, no issues, no problem - just a little bit of FMA (First Mate Anxiety). Thanks for the trust and the opportunities Capt. Wiel.

The Port of Prince Rupert and Cow Bay Marina.

So now we provision, clean up Perfect Pitch and do laundry for a few days, while Capt. Wiel briefly heads back to Calgary, and Sue arrives tomorrow. Sue and FMD will have a day of fishing (an early birthday/father's day present to FMD - what a sister - and maybe an NBA Game 7 in a pub?). Then we will head north again to Ketchikan to pickup Commodore Samara. The first two weeks have been beyond unbelievable, but Wiel and FMD are super pumped to welcome Sue and Samara aboard to share the next chapter of the ALASKA!

Eric is also saying goodbye to his brother John and cousin Rob. They have been our flotilla travel mates and it's been a blast. Lots of dinners, laughs and adventures - an excellent crew to travel with - thanks fellas. Eric is also welcoming his bride, Lorraine, aboard tomorrow. Boys trips to couples trips - just in time for everyone!

PR has it's quirky port town side, for sure.

Stay tuned for some reports from the Siblings On the Loose in PR - should be entertaining.



May 30, 2023

hey Capt W and FMD - been following an amazing adventure - we have been traveling but not as adventuresome as you - love the posts and the pictures - great blog - thanks so much for sharing - now we have to discover if it's possible to meet on your way down. Sending hugs and best wishes for safe and wonderful travels!!


May 29, 2023

Excellent writing and photography. Still waiting for some video!!


Brando Henry
Brando Henry
May 29, 2023

No team has ever come back from a 3-0 deficit and won! U

you hoping for Boston?

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