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Bonus Coverage - Day 14 tag end

Perfect Pitch Adventurers 2023

We have had weather and conditions for the ages on our journey. A journey in the sense of travel, but also a journey in the sense of learning more about one's self and the world in which live. It's pretty deep out here. Over a thousand feet, in places, according to the Sonar... :-)

We mentioned, in the last installment, that we had our first rain in days (it has been almost non-existent overall), and the need for a little NHL hockey therapy to deal with it (thanks again, Elon). Well, mid-way through the second period of an exceptional playoff contest we got this...poof!

The clouds parted offering up another amazing dusk.

As we head for Prince Rupert, at half-time in our adventure (for the First Mate, that is - Captain Wiel and Admiral Sue will carry on and bring Perfect Pitch home from Alaska), we have had good travel Karma, some Massive Mojo, on the weather front. As we touch the gorgeous wood in Perfect Pitch; may those positive vibes continue to follow us " Alaska" (Sing it!)

Talk to you in PR.


1 Comment

Sue wettstein
May 28, 2023

Bringing Francis Bread, Haidee cookies and garden greens, we shall see how much they will allow me...! Can't wait to get there.

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